Monday, November 22, 2010




GDPという数値は適切でないと批判する人もいます。経済ノーベル賞をもらったJoseph Stiglitzもその中の一人。




収入: 毎月入ってくる金
費用: 毎月出て行く金
利益: 収入と費用の差
資本: 現在持っている金(資産- 負債)




Friday, November 19, 2010

there is no way to organize the messages on YouTube

One feature I'd like to see on YouTube: the ability to organize the list of subscribers and friends into groups with different priorities.

The point here is to be able to see the messages and comments from your closest friends first and then later see the messages and comments from strangers.
Right now on YouTube the messages and comments all appear on the same inbox screen, and you have to look for the messages from your closest friends amid a sometimes large number of messages.
What happens is that a lot of people on YouTube simply don't reply to messages or comments anymore, because there are too many of them.

Today is my second consecutive video in which I talk without any planning. I am a terrible speaker, speak very slowly.... I wish I could be more eloquent, but have no idea on how  to improve. Maybe the only solution is practice and practice and then more practice.
I was watching the video I did yesterday, OMG, that is what I call ULTRA-SLOW-MOTION!!

Almost immediately  after making this video I checked the YouTube list of contacts and found out that actually you can organize the list of contacts into different groups by using labels. You can assign a different label to each one of your contacts. But apparently there is no way to filter out the messages and comments of a particular label.

Thursday, November 18, 2010




しかし、カメラが使えなかった時、箱の中に忘れていたウエブカメラを復活して、いくつかのビデオを作りました。画質は低いですが、結構気に入っています。映像は直接Windows ムービーメーカの中に入って、すぐ編集出来ます。要するにビデオの作り方が簡単になる。怠け者の私がそれが気に入っちゃう!

Watch me Shrinkという題名のビデオがよくYouTubeで見かけます。ダイエットする女の子が自分の体を定期的に撮影して、YouTubeで公開しています。
それらのビデオをヒントにWatch me get richと言う連載のビデオを作ろうとひらめいた。



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Caro diário. Parece que este blog vai acabar virando um diário. Talvez eu devesse começar com Stardate 2010....

O que eu tenho para fazer hoje? Preciso buscar minha filmadora. Mandei para o conserto, mas ela volta exatamente como foi. O problema está na bateria. Parece que preciso comprar uma bateria nova. Nem sei se ainda está a venda. O modelo é antigo, talvez nem esteja mais a venda. Nesse caso vou ter que comprar uma filmadora nova. Ou continuar fazendo vídeos com a webcam.

Eu tinha comprado uma webcam para usar com Skype há muito tempo atrás. Fiquei com preguiça de instalar, deixei esquecido dentro das caixas. Mas agora sem a filmadora resolvi ressucitar a webcam. Os vídeos que ela produz com o Windows Movie Maker tem o vídeo e áudio fora de sincronização. A imagem está sempre atrasada em relação ao áudio. Mas se eu abaixar a qualidade do vídeo, o vídeo mais ou menos sincroniza.

Fiz um vídeo-resposta para Johanna, minha amiga do Canadá.  Até agora ninguém comentou neste vídeo, talvez por ser um vídeo-resposta. Outras pessoas talvez achem que não seja discreto colocar comentários naquele vídeo. Ou talvez porque não haja nada para comentar!

Gostaria de poder ir no médico. Mas nem sei quais são meus sintomas. Como ir no médico se eu não sei explicar meus sintomas? Em qual médico devo ir? Eu acho que eu tenho um problema no estômago.  Eu como uma refeição e me sinto cheio, estufado. Sinto que meu estômago ficou menor. Pelo menos quando eu era jovem eu conseguia comer muito mais. Depois de comer eu sinto um desconforto no estômago. Acho que esse é meu único sintoma. O que pode ser? Um tumor gigante ocupando mais da metade do meu estômago?

Ontem e  anteontem fiquei assistindo The adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Eu assisti esse filme há muito tempo atrás em DVD, eu achei ótimo. Assisti outra vez, desta vez na YouTube. Alguém colocou o filme inteiro na YouTube.
Foi muito bom rever esse filme.
O garoto que faz Sharkboy, Taylor Lautner, está grande agora, fazendo filmes, parece estar fazendo sucesso. As outras crianças do filme também estão trabalhando como atores, Taylor Dooley, Sasha Pieterse.
Existem ótimos filmes que infelizmente não fizeram muito sucesso na época do lançamento.
Outro filmes que gostei:
Sky High
School of Rock (ninguém colocou na YouTube, provavelmente por ser constantemente deletado)
Mas este é o vídeo promocional:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hello, welcome to my radio programme!
My channel has become radio. My camera is broken, I need to buy a new battery, so I can't make videos, except this way, with my voice only and some pictures.

This footage is from some weeks ago, when my camera was still working, barely working.
I had gone to Odaiba in Tokyo for a walk.

Very few people watch my channel, so I guesss I am free to say whatever I want, I don't know...

Last Sunday I went to Futamatagawa to have a driving  class.
My driver's licence has expired millions of years ago, and since coming to Japan I never renewed it.
I don't need to drive here in Japan, can go almost anywhere with trains. Besides driving schools here in Japan are extremely expensive, I don't understand why they are so expensive.
But I have found out that the test place in Futamagawa offers relatively cheap driving lesson given by volunteers. 7,500 yens for a 50-minute class.

I don't even remember how to use the clutch anymore...
And the driver's seat in Japan in on the right side, instead of the left, as I was used in Brazil.
I still think changing gears with the right hand is easier...

Monday, November 1, 2010

what I did today

October 31st, 2010

I wrote in a previous blog that it is not a good idea to be random and here I am contradicting myself and writing a random blog.
Sorry, it seems I don't have much interesting things to say.

This morning I went to the gym, and ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then more 30 minutes. The treadmill is the only machine that I use actually, there are a lot of machines in the gym, but the only one I am  interested is the treadmill, because running seems to be the most efficient exercise, and if I want to keep in shape running seems to be the best way, especially after the doctor told me I am overweight, with blood sugar levels too high. I love candies and cakes, and coffee and coke, all with lots of sugar. Sugar is killing me.

What is the best way to exercise?
I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 10 km/h. Well, I should have made 5 kilometers, but for some reason the actual distance run was a little shorter than that, maybe because of the acceleration, I don't know.
10 km/h is a very comfortable velocity for me, not too fast, not too slow, just right. But then I pushed my limits and tried 11 km/h. I can run at 11 for some time, but it is somewhat uncomfortable.
Because of gym regulations, we can only use the treadmills for 30 minutes at a time, because the treadmill is a very popular machine, there is always people waiting in line to use them.
If I ran for 10 km/h it would take me more than 4 hours to run a marathon. Surely 10 km/h is too slow.
But what velocity would be acceptable for me?