Friday, March 1, 2013



 めいし【名詞】 noun 品詞の一。国文法では、自立語で活用がなく、文の主語となることができるもの。代名詞とともに体言と総称する。数詞などもこれに含まれる。意味上、固有名詞・普通名詞などに分けられるが、文法上は区別する必要がないとされる。
 だいめいし【代名詞】 pronoun 品詞の一。自立語のうち、特定または一般の名称を用いず、人・事物・場所・方向などを直接に指示する語。人称代名詞・指示代名詞に大別される。
 けいようし【形容詞】 adjective 国語の品詞の一。活用のある自立語で、文中において単独で述語になることができ、言い切りの形が口語では「い」、文語では「し」で終わるものをいう。「高い・高し」「うれしい・うれし」の類。事物の性質や状態などを表す語で、動詞・形容動詞とともに用言に属する。口語の形容詞は活用のしかたが「(かろ)・く(かっ)・い・い・けれ・〇」の一種であるが、文語の形容詞にはク活用・シク活用がある。
 ふくし【副詞】 adverb 品詞の一。自立語で活用がなく、主語にならない語のうちで、主として、それだけで下に来る用言を修飾するもの。事物の状態を表す状態副詞(「はるばる」「しばらく」「ゆっくり」など)、性質・状態の程度を表す程度副詞(「いささか」「いと」「たいそう」など)、叙述のしかたを修飾し、受ける語に一定の言い方を要求する陳述副詞(「あたかも」「決して」「もし」など)の3種に分類される。なお、程度副詞は、「もっと東」「すこしゆっくり」のように体言や他の副詞を修飾することもある。
 どうし【動詞】 verb 国語の品詞の一。事物の動作・作用・状態・存在などを表す語で、形容詞・形容動詞とともに用言に属する。活用のある自立語で、文中において単独で述語になりうる。その言い切りの形は、一般にウ段の音で終わるが、文語のラ行変格活用の語に限り、「り」とイ段の音で終わる。口語の動詞には、五段・上一段・下一段・カ行変格・サ行変格の5種類の活用形式があるが、文語の動詞には、四段・上二段・下二段・上一段・下一段・カ行変格・サ行変格・ナ行変格・ラ行変格の9種類の活用形式がある。
 ぜんちし【前置詞】 preposition ヨーロッパ諸語などにみられる品詞の一。名詞・代名詞の前に置かれ、その語の他の語に対する関係を示すもの。英語のat, in, ofなどの類。
 せつぞくし【接続詞】 conjunction 品詞の一。自立語で活用がなく、先行する語や文節・文を受けて後続する語や文節・文に言いつづけ、それらのものの関係を示すはたらきをもつ語。順接(だから、したがって)・逆接(しかし、けれども)・累加(また、および)・選択(あるいは、もしくは)などの種類がある。
 かんとうし【間投詞】 interjection 感動詞。品詞の一。自立語で活用がなく、主語にも修飾語にもならず、他の文節とは比較的独立して用いられるもの。話し手の感動を表す「ああ」「おお」の類をはじめ、呼びかけを表す「おい」「もしもし」の類や、応答を表す「はい」「いいえ」の類も、文法的性質が同じなので、国文法ではこれに含まれる。間投詞。感嘆詞。



 ぶん【文】 文法上の言語単位の一。一語またはそれ以上の語からなり、ひと区切りのまとまりある考えを示すもの。文字で書くときは、ふつう「 。」(句点)でその終わりを示す。センテンス。






・能動態 ・受動態



 もくてきご【目的語】 objcet 文の成分の一。他動性の動詞の表す動作をこうむる人や事物を表す語。現代語では、一般に格助詞「を」を伴う。西洋文法では、直接目的語・間接目的語などに区別することがある。学校文法では連用修飾語に含めて扱われる。客語。
 ちょくせつもくてきご【直接目的語】 direct object
 かんせつもくてきご【間接目的語】 indirect object
 しょゆうかく【所有格】 possessive case 英文法などで、所有・所属関係などを表す名詞・代名詞などの格。John's desk, my townなどの類。
 ほご【補語】 complement 英語・仏語などの文法で、それだけでは完全な意味を表さない動詞の意をおぎなう語。“He is rich.” “I make him happy.”のrich, happyの類。
 ふていし【不定詞】 infinitive 英文法などで、人称・時制などの標識をもたない動詞の形態。定動詞に対する。主語となりうるなど名詞的機能を持つ。不定法。
 infinitive /ɪn'fɪnɪtɪv/ the simple or basic form of the verb, as come, take, eat, be, used after auxiliary verbs, as in I didn't come, He must be, or this simple form preceded by a function word, as to in I want to eat.
 ていどうし【定動詞】 finite verb 英文法などで、人称・数・時制・法・相などにより形が決定される動詞の形態。不定詞などに対し、述語になる形をいう。たとえば、不定詞のbeに対して、I am./You are./He is.など。定形動詞。
 じせい【時制】 tense 動詞の表す動作・作用の時間関係を表す文法範疇(はんちゅう)。現在・過去・未来のほか、言語によっては、完了・不完了過去(過去における継続・繰り返しの行為を表す)・過去完了・未来完了などを区別するものもある。時相。

 かこかんりょう【過去完了】 past perfect 英語・ドイツ語などの文法で、時制の一。過去のある時までの動作・状態の完了・結果・経験・継続などを表す。過去のある時より前の動作・状態が、その時と なんらかの かかわり が ある もの として とらえられる とき に用いられる。
 gerund /dʒɛrənd/ the English -ing  form of a verb when functioning as a noun, as writing  in Writing is easy.
 ぶんし【分詞】 participle ヨーロッパ諸語などの文法で、動詞が語形変化して形容詞的に用いられるもの。現在分詞・過去分詞などがある。
 かこぶんし【過去分詞】 past participle 分詞の一。動詞の性質をもった形容詞の働きをする。また、助動詞と結びついて完了形・受動態をつくる。
・進行形 ・完了形

 しんこうけい【進行形】 progressive form 動作が継続中であることを示す動詞形態の一。特に、英語のbe動詞と-ing形との組み合わせをさす。
かんけいだいめいし【関係代名詞】ヨーロッパ諸語などの文法で、接続詞と代名詞の機能をもつ代名詞。英語のwho, that. ドイツ語のder, welcher フランス語のquiなど。a relative pronoun [adverb].
 ぎもんだいめいし【疑問代名詞】インド‐ヨーロッパ語の文法で、疑問の意を含む代名詞。英語のwho, what, whichなど。日本語では、不定称の代名詞の「なに」「どこ」「どれ」「だれ」「どなた」などをいうことがある。
 ぎもんふくし【疑問副詞】インド‐ヨーロッパ語の文法で、疑問の意を含む副詞。英語のwhen, whyなど。日本語では、「どう」「なぜ」など。
 comma  /'kɒmə/ the sign (,), a mark of punctuation used for indicating a division in a sentence, as in setting off a word, phrase, or clause, especially when such a division is accompanied by a slight pause or is to be noted in order to give order to the sequential elements of the sentence. It is also used to separate items in a list, to mark off thousands in numerals, to separate types or levels of information in bibliographic and other data, and, in Europe, as a decimal point.  
 semicolon  /'sɛmɪkoʊlən/ the punctuation mark (;) used to indicate a major division in a sentence where a more distinct separation is felt between clauses or items on a list than is indicated by a comma, as between the two clauses of a compound sentence.
 period  /'pɪəriəd/ a full pause, as is made at the end of a complete sentence; full stop.
 adjective  /'ædʒɪktɪv/ Grammar . any member of a class of words that modify nouns and pronouns, primarily by describing a particular quality of the word they are modifying, as wise  in a wise grandmother,  or perfect  in a perfect score,  or handsome  in He is extremely handsome.  Other terms, as numbers ( one cup; twelve months  ), certain demonstrative pronouns ( this magazine; those questions  ), and terms that impose limits ( each person; no mercy  ) can also function adjectivally, as can some nouns that are found chiefly in fixed phrases where they immediately precede the noun they modify, as bottle  in bottle cap  and bus  in bus station. Synonyms: modifier, qualifier, identifier, describer, describing word.


 proper or common
 concrete or abstract
 count or mass

- car-cars
- irregular: mouse-mice, child-children
- most nouns ending in s, sh, o, ch: dish-dishes
- nouns ending in a consonant and y: mystery-mysteries

Mass Nouns are nouns that cannot be counted and they usually do not have a plural form. Examples: Freedom, sand, money

Collective nouns refer to groups of people and/or things. Unlike mass nouns, they can usually be counted, so they usually have plural forms.Examples: staff—staffs, herd-herds

Possessive Nouns
Nouns can be possessive and express ownership, usually following the use of “of”. Example: The life of Maria.

Most singular possessives are formed by adding an apostrophe and “s.” If the noun is plural, the possessive form becomes “s” and apostrophe.
dog's bone.
woman's dress
women's dress

personal  possessive  indefinite reflexive  reciprocal intensive interrogative relative demonstrative.

Pronoun Cases

Nominative (or subjective)Cases: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who

Objective Cases: Me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom

Possessive Cases: My, mine, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs, your, yours, whose.

Personal Pronouns can refer to the person/people speaking (First person,) spoken to (second person,) or spoken ABOUT (third person.)

Possessive Pronouns
MY (book) OUR (book) Mine  Ours
YOUR (book) YOUR (book) Yours Yours
HIS, HER, ITS (book) THEIR (book) His, hers, its Theirs

Indefinite Pronouns
all, any, some, none.
another, both, nobody, everything, nothing, somebody, everyone, no one, something, etc.
all, many, most, much, some

reflexive pronoun
Myself Ourselves Yourself Yourselves  Himself/Herself/Itself Themselves
Example: We asked OURSELVES where her bags were.

Intensive Pronouns: used for emphasis.
I myself knew they were Maria's bags.
I prefer walking myself.

Reciprocal pronouns: each other/ each other's; one another/one another's
Maria and Heather greeted each other.

Interrogative Pronouns
Who has the bags?
Which bagger has them?
Whose bags are these?

Demonstrative Pronouns
This/That These/Those

 transitive (SVO)
 intransitive (SV)
 linking (SVC)
Phrasal verbs: combination of a verb and a preposition or adverb
The Lay/Lie and Raise/Rise Confusion
These two pairs of verbs are constantly misused. In each, there is a transitive verb (TRV) and an intransitive verb (INV).

Lie — Intransitive, means recline or be situated
Lay — Transitive, means to place or put something

Rise — Intransitive, means to get up.
Raise — Transitive, means to lift something up.

present:I work.
past   :I worked.
future: I will work.

present:I am working.
past   :I was working.
future :I will be working.

present:I have worked.
past   :I had worked
future :I will have worked.

Perfect Continuous
present:I have been working.
past   :I had been working.
future :I will have been working.
The special verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought, dare and need are called modal auxiliary verbs.
The verbs be, have and do are called auxiliary verbs when they are used with ordinary verbs to make tenses, passive forms, questions and negatives.
grammar /'græmər/ the study of the way the sentences of a language are constructed; morphology and syntax.

phrase /freɪz/
a.a sequence of two or more words arranged in a grammatical construction and acting as a unit in a sentence.
b.(in English) a sequence of two or more words that does not contain a finite verb and its subject or that does not consist of clause elements such as subject, verb, object, or complement, as a preposition and a noun or pronoun, an adjective and noun, or an adverb and verb.

sentence /'sɛntns/ a grammatical unit of one or more words, bearing minimal syntactic relation to the words that precede or follow it, often preceded and followed in speech by pauses, having one of a small number of characteristic intonation patterns, and typically expressing an independent statement, question, request, command, etc., as Summer is here.  or Who is it?  or Stop!

morphology /mɔr'fɒlədʒi/ the patterns of word formation in a particular language, including inflection, derivation, and composition.

syntax /'sɪntæks/ the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language.
・1-syllable adjectives: add er/est tall/taller/tallest
If the words ends in consonant-vowel-consonant, then the last consonant is usually doubled. big-bigger-biggest
・2-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change the y to ier/iest
・Other 2-syllable adjectives: use more/most: more crowded, most crowded
・Irregular: good/better/the best, bad/worse/the worst
Use of capital letters
- languages and nationalities, for example: English, Kurdish, Chinese, Arabic, French, Polish.
- the pronoun I
- Proper nouns.
- Beginning of sentence
If + simple present, simple present
If you heat ice, it melts.
If it rains, you get wet.

real and possible condition
If + simple present, simple future
If it rains, you will get wet
If you don't hurry, we will miss the train.

real condition and its probable future result.
If + simple past, present conditional
If it rained, you would get wet.
If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired.

The time is now or any time, and the situation is unreal.
Unreal present condition and its probable present result.
If + past perfect, perfect conditional
If it had rained, you would have got wet.
If you had worked harder, you would have passed the exam.

Unreal past condition and its probable past result.
If + past perfect, present conditional
If I had worked harder at school, I would have a better job now.
If we had looked at the map, we wouldn't be lost.

unreal past condition and its probable present result.

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